The software, called TorayTrak, is normalization software to allow Toray RO element users to effectively evaluate current membrane element performance in their systems.

TORAY TRAK ™ Feature List

New Features Version 3.1.5 (October, 2019)

TORAY TRAK ™ is provided as Macro-Free Microsoft Excel programs with 5 versions to deal with different process system designs and varied operational data collection points.The process schemes available are:

  1. One-stage system
  2. Split permeate one-stage system
  3. Two-stage system with 1st and 2nd stage permeate flow rate monitoring
  4. Two-stage system with 1st stage and overall permeate flow rate monitoring, and
  5. Two-stage system with 2nd stage and overall permeate flow rate monitoring

    Provisional version (93.1.5) (October, 2019)

  • This "xls" version is tentatively provided to users who could not properly save the calculation results with version 3.1.5. Toray has been informed from the users of the error.
  • Toray assures that the users can obtain the same calculation results with version (3.1.5) :
  • 1-93.1.5. One stage system
  • 2-93.1.5. Split permeate one-stage system
  • 3-93.1.5. Two-stage system with 1st and 2nd stage permeate flow rate monitoring
  • 4-93.1.5. Two-stage system with 1st stage and overall permeate flow rate monitoring, and
  • 5-93.1.5. Two-stage system with 2nd stage and overall permeate flow rate monitoring
  • Normalization accuracy, especially regarding the temperature effect on the operation performance of RO membranes, has been enhanced by modifying the temperature correction.
  • TorayTrak can model and normalize performance for Toray RO elements which are registered in TorayDS2 projection software.

Engineering features

  • Based on published ASTM D4516 Standard Practice for Standardizing Reverse Osmosis Performance Data, enhanced with more definitive calculations specific to Toray RO membrane elements
  • Normalization equations are visible to the user within cells and documentation in the spreadsheet
  • Many preset graphs with trigger points indicated are included
  • Data import/export tools included
  • Simple SCADA integration

Why take and normalize data

As the current conditions of operation may be different (different salinity of the feed, different water temperature etc.) the current data must be ”normalized” to the original start up operating conditions to allow direct and meaningful comparison.”Normalization” therefore refers to the manipulation of current data to reflect what the flows, and quality parameters would be if the plant was actually operating at the original (start up) conditions. By comparing initial membrane performance data (new elements) with current ”normalized” membrane performance data, it can be determined if any membrane element maintenance (such as a chemical cleaning or system adjustments) is required.

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Download TORAY TRAK ™ Provisional version (93.1.5)

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